ASIA/MYANMAR - Caritas, the only organization committed to the humanitarian emergency in the scene of war

Friday, 1 July 2011

Banmaw (Fides Service) - To meet ongoing humanitarian emergency in northern Myanmar - scarred by civil war between the army and rebels of the Kachin Independent Army (see Fides 06/30/2011) - Caritas has put into the field every possible effort, despite the risks that today's work assistance involves: is what sources in the diocese of Banmaw refer to Fides. Given its local roots, Caritas is the only organization working on the ground to help more than 20 thousand refugees, given the inability to operate in Myanmar for other humanitarian organizations and fighting still going on.
In addition to the diocese of Myitkyina, which covers almost the entire territory of the Kachin state, even the Diocese of Banwam is affected by the conflict. Many of the local Caritas volunteers (mostly young, religious women, priests) became active without hesitation "for humanitarian pastoral assistance to thousands of disoriented and frightened faithful", risking their lives, as the area where they move could be affected by the bombing. "We are doing our best to lead the displaced persons in safe areas and ensure their survival. We thank those who are close to us and we ask the prayers of Christians around the world", a local priest told Fides.
Meanwhile, local sources of Fides report that the Burmese army could launch an offensive also with regard to ethnic Karen rebels. The stability and development promised by the new government of Thein Sein, in his inaugural speech in April, "seem very far from reality. If the government does not come to terms with ethnic minorities, the country could sink into a civil war of vast dimension, with severe consequences for the whole nation". Another factor of instability, observes the source of Fides, is represented by drug dealing, according to international observers, the rebels try to use to obtain arms and ammunition. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 01/07/2011)
