EUROPE/ITALY-Annual report of "Aid to the Church in Need": 5,587 projects funded in 153 countries

Friday, 1 July 2011

Rome (Fides Service) – The 2010 Annual Report of the Work of Pontifical Right "Aid to the Church that Need" (ACN), founded by Father Werenfried van Straaten in 1947 has been published: in 2010 ACN raised a total of donations never reached in 63 years, with a bidding increment of 13.5% compared to 2009. The 86.9 million euros have financed 5,587 projects carried out in 153 countries around the world, paying particular attention to those in which the Church has more difficulty in carrying out her mission. According to the statement received by Fides, last year, ACN supported 10,645 seminarians in their studies, collected 1,245,352 intentions of Masses, 417 projects were launched for the construction or maintenance of churches and chapels, 753 projects were financed for the benefit of nuns, including the construction of monasteries, the formation of novices, motorization and subsistence.
The generosity of the donations collected from 17 national Secretariats were divided as follows: 26.9% building aid, Mass intentions 16%, 12.1% theological formation, pastoral support 12.7%, 10.5% catechesis, media apostolate 8.8%, 4.6% motorization, biblical apostolate 4.1%, 2.9% maintenance, 1.4% emergency aid. Particular attention must be paid on the great support for the Church in Russia, both Catholic (1,465,282 euros) and Orthodox (701,300 euros), dedicating funds(434,582 euros) to interdenominational projects,too. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 07/01/2011)
