AMERICA/ARGENTINA-"Choose life instead of drugs": the Church invites young people to reflect

Monday, 27 June 2011

Lujan (Agenzia Fides) - The Church in Argentina has denounced that "the plague of drug use is expanding", and has asked the authorities to implement policies aimed at helping those suffering from addiction. Even eight months ago, the bishops warned that the use of drugs in Argentina begins now at the age of eight, and now the National Commission for the Pastoral Care of drug addiction, led by Mgr. Jorge Lozano, Bishop of Gualeguaychú , warned that "there is a greater availability of substances, which can be purchased very easily", and further growth of drug dealing is being experienced.
According to the latest World Drug Report 2011, published by the United Nations a few days ago, 7.2% of the population between 15 and 64 have consumed marijuana at least once in the last year. And the figure rises to 7.6% among youth between 13 and 17 years. "There is more supply, the idea that the drug is equal to a cigarette that does not hurt is spread, and the political authorities do not release clear messages", said Mgr. Lozano in a press conference, and he also underlined that the Church is increasingly being consulted by families and young people affected by drug addiction.
During a three-day meeting, which ended yesterday, 26 June, which brought to Lujan the pastoral leaders of every diocese in Argentina, the National Commission for the Pastoral Care for drug addiction attributed the expansion of the use of drugs to the growing drug trade. This social problem is "the result of less control, a greater number of bribes, threats and the fact that sovereignty is now left to the Mafia gangs, who are able to dominate entire neighborhoods".
At the end of the meeting, which concluded with a Mass presided by Mgr.Lozano in the Basilica of Luján, a statement that intends to raise public awareness about the increasing plague of drugs was issued. The document is titled "Choosing life is better" and links this "tragic growth", to the combination of four factors: crime, corruption, impunity and social tolerance.
The UN report confirms that Argentina is the first country in South America for use of marijuana and second in the use of cocaine, after Brazil. For the Church, the problem goes far beyond the statistics and reinforces the perception that Argentina has stopped being a transit country, while the drug is now the country of consumption. (EC) (Agenzia Fides 06/27/2011)
