EUROPE/ITALY - The beatification of Father Clemente Vismara, PIME missionary, in the name of simplicity and solidarity

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Milan (Fides Service) – On Sunday, June 26, in Duomo Square in Milan, Father Clemente Vismara (1897-1988), missionary of PIFM (Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions), known as the "Patriarch of Burma" for having spent 65 years of intense missionary life, will be inscribed in the book of the blessed along with two other children of the Ambrosian earth: Don Serafino Moray and Sister Enrichetta Alfieri.
The community of Agrate Brianza, his birthplace, the diocese of Milan and the PIFM – sponsors of the cause of beatification - have decided to celebrate the beatification of Father Vismara characterized by simplicity and solidarity. An example is the Burmese bags prepared for the pilgrims. "Every ethnic group in Myanmar has its own bag, it is almost a distinguishing mark- Father Paolo Ceruti said, a young missionary of PIFM, member of the organizing committee of the beatification -. Also Father Clemente in his numerous tireless trips, always had an inseparable bag. Hence the idea to offer the pilgrims on June 26 a bag made ad hoc in Myanmar, as a sign of attention to the local population". A particularity: "These bags do not identify any particular ethnic group, but they want to draw attention in a generic way to Myanmar, as a sign of unity of the people around he who a few years ago proclaimed the local Church 'patriarch' of Burma."
The community of Agrate and the PIFM, moreover, has taken on the hospitality of the delegation from Myanmar, which include fifteen priests and bishops (as well as Joseph Tayasoe, the young man who in 1998 was granted the miracle of Father Clement) and several sisters. Also in sign of solidarity, PIFM has launched an appeal for the rebuilding of the orphanage in Monglin. The first mission where father Vismara worked was in fact seriously hit by the recent earthquake in March last year, it reached the northern part of Myanmar and Thailand, leaving behind seventy deaths and thousands of homeless.
On the occasion of the beatification, the PIFM Missionary Centre in Milan and the Parish of Agrate have created a series of objects to get to know the figure and message of Father Vismara: a special monthly "Mondo e Missione" with witnesses from Italy and from Myanmar; a magazine and a game for children titled "Life is made to explode, to go farther", repeating the words of Father Vismara; the " Vismara Game" for summer lecturerss: workshops and activities related to the values and missionary witness of Father Vismara; DVD on the "patriarch of the Biman," titled "A life is not enough"; a photographic exhibition. For a biography of Father Vismara see Fides 04/05/2011. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 06/25/2011)
