VATICAN - Benedict XVI to MWAEC: "do everything possible in the East, where the pastors and faithful of Christ were born and may remain «not as foreigners», but as «fellow citizens» "

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Vatican City (Fides Service) - "I ask you to do everything possible, even affecting the Public Institutions with whom you come into contact on an international level, because in the East, where the pastors and faithful of Christ were born, may remain «not as foreigners», but as «fellow citizens», witnessing Jesus, like the Saints of the past, because they are also children of the Eastern Churches". This is what the Holy Father Benedict XVI asked the participants at the Assembly of the Meeting of the Works for Aid to Eastern Churches (MWAEC), received at the hearing on June 24. "The East is in any event entitled to their native country - the Pope continued -. There, they are called today to build the good of everyone, without distinction, thanks to their faith. An equal dignity and real freedom should be recognized to those who profess this faith, thus allowing a more fruitful ecumenical and interfaith collaboration".
In his speech, the Pope also cited "the changes taking place in the countries of North Africa and the Near East, which are still a source of anxiety throughout the world" of which the Assembly is handling, by expressing its closeness "to those who are suffering and those who are trying desperately to escape from the increasing migration flow sometimes without hope". So he hopes for "the necessary immediate assistance, but especially any possible mediation, so violence stops, in respect of the rights of individuals and communities, social harmony and peaceful coexistence are re-established ".
Finally, Benedict XVI handed in "the good will of the members of the MWAEC" the fruits of the Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops, held last October in the Vatican, "and also the precious spiritual heritage constituted by the chalice of the passion of many Christians as a reference for a generous and intelligent service, which starts from the last and no one excluded, and always measures its authenticity on the Eucharistic Mystery ". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 06/25/2011)
