VATICAN-The Pope in San Marino invites "the civil authorities and all people of good will to ensure acceptance and worthy living conditions for refugees"

Monday, 20 June 2011

San Marino (Fides Service) - "I would like to remind you that tomorrow is World Refugee Day", said the Holy Father Benedict XVI yesterday, Sunday, June 19, before the Angelus, at the end of the Mass that he presided at Serravalle Stadium, on the occasion of his pastoral visit to the diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro. "This year marks the sixtieth anniversary of the adoption of the International Convention for the protection of those who are persecuted and forced to escape from their own countries – the Pope continued -. I urge the civil authorities and all people of good will to ensure acceptance and worthy living conditions for refugees, awaiting to go back to their Homeland freely and safely".
Previously, during the homily, the Holy Father had stopped to comment on the readings proclaimed on the feast of the Holy Trinity, and highlighted faith and loyalty to the Bishop of Rome of San Marino, as well as the attention towards the Eastern Church and the deep devotion to the Virgin Mary. "Your mission –continued the Pope - is having to deal with profound and rapid cultural, social, economic, political changes, that have led to new guidelines and changed mentality, customs and sensibilities. Even here, in fact, as elsewhere, there are difficulties and obstacles, mainly due to hedonic models, which cloud the mind and threaten to undo all morality. Temptation has insinuated into believing that man’s wealth is not faith, but his personal and social power, his intelligence, his culture and his ability to scientifically, technologically and socially manipulate reality. Thus, in these lands, Christian faith and values have begun to be replaced with alleged wealth, which are revealed at the end, inconsistent and unable to hold the great promise of truth, goodness, of beauty and justice, which for centuries your ancestors identified with the experience of faith. One must not forget, then the crisis of many families, worsened by the psychological widespread and spiritual fragility of spouses, as well as the fatigue experienced by many educators in obtaining training continuity for young people, conditioned by multiple insecurity, first of all regarding the social role and work opportunities". Finally, the Pope urged the faithful "to be like leaven in the world, showing both in Montefeltro and to the in San Marino Christians present, enterprising and consistent". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 20/06/2011)
