ASIA/PAKISTAN-After the violence in Punjab, Christians live a " Prayer Day for Pakistan"

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Islamabad (Fides Service) - Praying for peace, building a harmonious society, stressing that Christians are in effect "Pakistani citizens": with these objectives, the " Prayer Day for Pakistan" will be celebrated tomorrow, June 19. The initiative, launched by the "Masihi Foundation" - which deals with the defense of Christians - has found support from Christian communities of all denominations and even other religious communities. The Day is a response to anti-Christian violence which take place especially in the province of Punjab. Among the latest cases Fides has reported the story of Farah Hatim, Catholic girl kidnapped and forced to get married and convert to Islam.
Haroon Barkat Masih, Director of the Foundation, told Fides: "on June 19 it is 'Father's Day' in Pakistan. We want to thank our Father in heaven and ask his blessing for our land, which is living a difficult situation. Masihi Foundation wants to bridge the gaps between the communities, raise the voice for the marginalized, to build a harmonious and tolerant society ".
The Catholic Church in Islamabad will also celebrate this day. His Exc. Mgr. Anthony Rufin, Bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi told Fides: "We appreciate the initiative, it sends a clear message that: Christians pray for their country in a crucial moment for the future. Christians have always played a positive role in the development of the country, but still they are discriminated, sometimes persecuted, or labeled as agents of the West. With this Day we want to say that we fully feel Pakistanis. We pray to our Heavenly Father for peace in Pakistan".
Sardar Kalyan Singh, a Sikh leader, interviewed by Fides, said: "The Sikh community support the Masihi Foundation for its initiative of the Prayer Day, which brings a message of hope to all communities, especially religious minorities". Some moderate Muslim leaders have expressed their appreciation. Mehfooz Ahmed Khan, a Muslim scholar, tells Fides that "Pakistan needs these initiatives to promote harmony in society. Christians have played a vital role since the creation of Pakistan, we deplore the violence that they suffer in Punjab ". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 06/18/2011)
