Lodi (Fides Service) - An emergency operation for the creation of mobile units against cholera in Haiti has recently been approved. OCHA, the United Nations Organization for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid, has approved the request for a contribution to intervene in a state of emergency in Haiti, sent by the Fighting World Hunger Movement(FWHM). The objective is the creation of mobile units to combat and prevent the outbreak of cholera that is scourging the country. The areas of intervention are Les Anglais , Les Iroise and Anse d'Hainault, in the south near Lee Cayes. Already operating with targeted interventions to fight extreme poverty in the areas of water and sanitation, and to provide support to people displaced by the earthquake, FWHM wants to be once again close to the Haitian people, who fight to survive an implacable nature and inhumane living conditions every day. The organization will provide their expatriated staff in order to contain the spread of the bacterium. Eight thousand families benefiting from the project, will be given hygiene kits and whose houses will be disinfected with chlorine by teams of specialized personnel. 28 wells and four management systems of drinking water for three consecutive months will also be chlorinated. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 15/06/2011)