EUROPE/ITALY-Together with "Heroes of Health " for the right of health for all

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Padova (Agenzia Fides) - Every three seconds a child dies from easily preventable causes; every day 1,000 women die from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth; each year HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria kill five million people. On May 9, 2011 the campaign "Health for All!" started promoted by the European Network "Action for Global Health", to promote knowledge and awareness on the three Millennium Development Goals dedicated to health and encourage the commitment of European leaders in the field of official development assistance in countries of the South. The campaign puts the spotlight on Health Heroes, "heroes of health" today: educators, doctors, nurses, midwives and public officials who every day try to "make a difference fighting for the right to health. In 2000, at the United Nations Millennium Summit, world leaders committed themselves to achieving by 2015 the eight Millennium Development Goals. The way to achieve the three objectives dedicated to health (reducing child mortality, improve reproductive and maternal health, fight HIV / AIDS, malaria and other serious diseases) is that it progresses more slowly.
The campaign "Health for All", supported by several NGO partners from the European network "Action for Global Health", developed primarily online, around the stories of the Health Heroes, and in daily life to fight their own battle for the right to health in their communities. Thanks to these thousands of people spread around the world, major steps have been achieved to obtain the three objectives of the Millennium Development Goals for health. As part of the initiative a traveling interactive exhibition was also organized that presents an insight on the conditions of health systems in the southern hemisphere in which the Health Heroes work.
The campaign promotes a petition to the European governments to intervene in support of the right to health throughout the world, and in particular: contribute to improving child health, reproductive and maternal health and strengthen the fight against HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria; meet their financial commitments already made and to find more resources to finance health in developing countries, supporting developing countries in the development of strong health services that meet the needs of the population, to fight the shortage of medical personnel, nursing and midwifery in the South, including addressing issues related to the flow of health workers from poor countries to richer ones; support communities that wish to abolish the health ticket, especially those that affect the poorest and most vulnerable, ensure the involvement of organizations of civil society in decisions which affect the lives of their communities. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 11/06/2011)
