La Paz (Agenzia Fides) - The International Catholic Organization for the Rights of Children (BICE) has announced the commitment of the "Comisión de Naciones y Pueblos indígenas, Originarios, Campesinos, and Interculturalidad Culturas" of the Bolivian Chamber of Deputies towards the Union of Children and Child Workers (UNATsBO) of Bolivia. This recognition has come with the support of this institution in the fields of health, education, work, organization, entertainment, identity and justice for children, girls and adolescents who work in the streets as shoeshine, vendors, recyclers, newspaper sellers . However, according to the national representative, Congressman Jorge Medina, much remains to be done to protect this category and it is necessary to coordinate all the sectors to carefully consider each proposal in favor of the most vulnerable in society, particularly that of children. The meeting was held in La Paz, attended by representatives of children, working children around the country. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 08/06/2011)