AMERICA/VENEZUELA-First birthday for Radio Natividad: evangelization, human and spiritual growth

Friday, 3 June 2011

San Cristóbal (Agenzia Fides) - In a week of special programs, from June 3 to 10, Natividad Radio (FM 88.5), the Catholic Radio station of Táchira, Venezuela state in the Andean region, celebrates its first anniversary. This work of evangelization thanks to the radio all started on June 5, 2010, with the diffusion of programs dedicated to human and spiritual growth, as well as the life of the Church in the world, and in particular to information concerning the diocese of San Cristóbal de Venezuela . Don Jean Carlos Benítez Pérez, director of Radio Natividad, stressed that the great family of Natividad has the support of Mgr.Mario del Valle Moronta Rodríguez, Bishop of the diocese, and in the same way, friends and benefactors, who "In silence, with prayer and their contribution have allowed the development of Radio and Natividad and online, so as to allow each day the people of God to receive the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Saviour. "
According to information sent to Fides by the diocese of San Cristóbal, the week of special programming dedicated to the first anniversary of Radio Natividad will see the participation of guests in studio, contests and other activities where children, young people and families can participate. Among these, the initiative called "The Good Samaritan": Listeners will be able to deliver their offerings this week in medicines and medical equipment to the headquarters of the radio station, afterwards they will be distributed to a few health centers in the region of Táchira. On Saturday, June 4, in the House de Oración Virgen María de Jerusalen, a Mass of Thanksgiving for the first anniversary of the radio will be celebrated, and next Thursday, June 9, will be a day of Eucharistic adoration, from 7 am to 7 pm . On Thursday, June 10 in the end, there will be a cultural event. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 03/06/2011)
