AMERICA/MEXICO - The condition of the priests and seminars is the center of attention at the Plenary Assembly of the Mexican Episcopal Conference

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - "We do not want to be a static, reactionary and outdated Church, " said the bishops during the opening of the XCI Plenary Assembly of the Mexican Episcopal Conference (MEC).
In a note sent to Fides, it is explained that the Assembly, which ends on June 3, has as its theme " priesthood and seminary", based on the motto: "The training of pastor disciples for today`s Mexico ". Participants will reflect on the reality of priests and seminars around the country, and on how to revive with hope the dynamism of training and pastoral charity, under the guidance of the Permanent Mission.
During the first day the pastors of the Church in Mexico observed that in the context of rapid change, influenced by global processes, the Church promotes and defends the rights of people and development of all peoples, ensures the respect for life and dignity, sharing of human and Christian values.
Faced with these changes, the Bishops stressed: "We do not want a static, reactionary and outdated Church, on the contrary, in accordance with the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI and in communion with the thoughts of the Bishops of Latin American, we are preparing to offer more attention to our community, with appropriate and necessary participation, of pastoral agents to the Continental Mission, to the new evangelization and the conversion of each of us. "(EC) (Agenzia Fides 06/01/2011)
