ASIA/TAIWAN - The religious in Taiwan ask themselves: "Rethinking the mission today"

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - "Rethinking the Mission Today" is the theme of the seminar organized by the Regional Association of Major Superiors of religious institutes for men and women in Taiwan (Regional Association of Major Religious superiors of Men and Women in Taiwan) that will be held on 8 June at the Catholic University of Fu Ren.
According to what Fides learns from the Archdiocese of Tai Pei, all the local Church is joined in this meeting of spirituality and training, inviting all priests to listen to the report on behalf of the verbita missionary Fr. Stephen Bevans SVD, well known Catholic theologian at the University of Chicago in the USA. According to the Regional Association of Major Superiors, during the seminar “the historical route to analyze the missionary theology today will be traced. "
The seminar, which will be an important training opportunity for the clergy, religious and faithful in Taiwan, will be on four main points: "The Church, called to be a sign and instrument of the Kingdom of God; A brief History of the Mission of the Church; Mission and dialogue; Mission as prophetic dialogue ". (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 06/01/2011)
