AMERICA/BOLIVIA-Annual celebration of the Eucharist thanking for the fruits of the earth and the protection of creation

Monday, 23 May 2011

Cochabamba (Agenzia Fides) - The issue regarding the protection of creation is strongly felt in Latin America, the Bishops of Bolivia have even spoken about it in recent meetings because it is considered of great importance for evangelization and the pastoral (see Fides 10 / 11/2010). The Archdiocese of Cochabamba sent Fides a note on the Mass that every year, since 1999, is celebrated for the protection of creation, in particular to thank the Lord for the fruits of “Pachamama” (Mother Earth).
In the community of Palca Molino in the parish of Christ de Ramadas, in the province of Tapacarí in Cochabamba, father Axel Gerling, celebrated Mass on Sunday, May 15, which was attended by a large number of peasants and farm managers. This Mass is usually celebrated in the first half of May, because in Bolivia it is the time of harvest. The Bible readings and the homily brought different insights into the mystery of life on earth. The celebration was followed by other events: a photograph exhibition, testimonies and short plays that helped us understand the importance of respect for life.
The celebration takes place outdoors, in the countryside, where an altar of decorated stone is prepared. People participate by wearing the best clothes, all products of agriculture are placed near the altar as a sign of thanks and blessing, said one participant, the agricultural engineer Ricardo Crespo.
Father Gerling pointed out that this "raises the morale of the peasants, because they feel they are in the hands of God," they commit themselves in taking care of creation, they thank for the harvest and for being farmers. (EC) (Agenzia Fides, 23 / 05/2011)
