ASIA/PHILIPPINES-The Bishops to the government: "With regards to the Document on reproductive Health we will respect our principles"

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Manila (Agenzia Fides) - The dialogue between the Church and the Philippine government regarding the document on reproductive health has stopped , as there are no conditions to carry on and because "we must respect our principles and values": This is what the Filipino Bishops said in a letter to the government - and was also sent to Fides - which explains why the Church abandoned the negotiating table on the controversial Document, currently being debated in the Filipino Parliament. In the letter, signed by the President of the Episcopal Conference, Bishop Nereo Odchimar, Bishop of Tandag, the Church expressed its position on the subject, formally confirming its intention to terminate the dialogue with the president`s team.
While thanking “for the opportunity to study possible areas of collaboration in the interests of the population, " the Bishops explained that the process reached a point where" we have to be on the side of the teachings and principles, as our mission requires ". The Prelates, on the other hand, ensure that they continue to pray for President Benigno Aquino and his entire administration, they trust in a dispute resolution with a view to the common good of the nation.
The dialogue between the Church and the government ended up on a dead end since the President has set out his "five key points: some of them, the Bishops noted, cannot be reconciled with the "non-negotiable" principles of the doctrine of the Church . The "five points" released by Aquino are: opposition to abortion; to give couples the right to choose how to handle their family life; respect, on behalf of the state, the right of individuals to follow their conscience, moral or religion, on the sacredness of the human being; the responsibility of the state to provide the poor and disadvantaged couples with correct information; in the information provided by the state, the natural methods of family planning and the "modern methods" must be presented as equivalent and both available. Methods for so-called "modern" refers to artificial methods of family planning, contraceptives, condoms, etc..
Meanwhile, among the pro-life activists in the Philippines, the awareness campaign of conscience is very active (see Fides 05/17/2011), the idea of "civil disobedience" always peeps out persistently - which includes the refusal to pay taxes - that would be implemented if the document were to be approved. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 19/05/2011)
