AFRICA/DR CONGO-The DRC towards elections in November, between light and shadow

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has published the electoral calendar, for the forthcoming presidential and parliamentary elections (elections for national parliament) on November 28, 2011. The Network for Peace in Congo (promoted by the missionaries operating in the country) sent some evaluations on the electoral process to Fides.
"The INEC is late in the revision of electoral rolls and, therefore, in the preparation and distribution of election materials such as ballots," this is what is read in the analysis sent to Fides. In addition Parliament and the Government have not yet approved the revision of the electoral law. Moreover, the Civil Society denounces many gaps and irregularities in the ongoing revision of electoral rolls. The opposition, which focuses on the presidential elections at the expense of the election of deputies, also denounces the unconstitutionality of the electoral calendar published by the INEC, as it provides the taking up of the new President`s office elected on December 20, 2011, instead of 6 December, the expiry date of the present President`s mandate. " The discovery of these delays, irregularities and deficiencies cause doubts and confusion about the real possibility of going to elections in normal and transparent conditions" emphasizes the Network for Peace in Congo.
"Faced with this reality, there may be, among other things, two possibilities," the report said. "The first is not to accept the electoral timetable proposed by the INEC, which would entail further delay. At present, perhaps, it would be a suicidal decision for all and would cause irretrievable chaos. The second is to accept, in a critical but responsible way, the electoral timetable proposed by INEC. "
"Knowing that in democracy, elections are not an end in itself nor a race to power in personal gain, but the main way to access the government of the Country for the common good, it has to do with accepting the limitations and insufficiencies and to make possible corrections and improvements, " concluded the Peace Network for Congo. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 05/19/2011)
