AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Training course for missionaries ad gentes

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - To train missionaries ad extra, the Mission Center of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia organized a "Course Ad Gentes. " This course, after which a Diploma will be given, will start on May 30 and is aimed at priests, members of the consecrated life, seminarians and lay people involved in the mission ad extra. The Course besides giving answers to the objectives of the Centre, in particular also gives answers to the "missionary call" that the Holy Father Benedict XVI launched in his message for the World Day Mission 2011. The Bishops gathered in Aparecida recalled that the paths, processes and criteria for training are essential to the missionary disciples of Jesus, "so that all our people have life through Him. "
From the note sent by the Episcopal Conference of Colombia to Fides, we learn that the Course will last four weeks. The contents are organized around four main themes: Missionary disciples, the person, Missiology, new challenges for the mission. (EC) (Agenzia Fides 05/18/2011)
