AMERICA/DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - "United to solve the problems of humanity": the Nuncio at the XIV International Book Fair

Friday, 13 May 2011

Santo Domingo (Agenzia Fides) - Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, Nuncio apostolic in the Dominican Republic, considers division among Christians a "great tragedy of humanity". This was said in the context of the conference held at the stand of the Ministry of Public Education, at the XIV International Book Fair in Santo Domingo. During his lecture, entitled "Origin and Development of the Vatican State, he said that Catholics and Evangelicals, even if they read the same Bible, they praise God in different ways," but this should not prevent them to come together to serve the same cause " .
Monsignor Wesolowski defended the social prestige of the Catholic Church and with reference to the earthquake in Haiti said that, for his contribution, this institution has become the most reliable way to collect aid sent to Haiti. He also stressed that the Catholic Church is the one that helps the poor more, a task that takes place from the earliest times. The late Pope John Paul II, now blessed John Paul II, loved this island, which he visited on three occasions.
After the conference, Luis De Leon, Vice Minister of Education, addressed words of praise to Bishop Wesolowski: "We feel deeply moved by his words. You have clear concepts of humility and humanism. The humility of the Church can be seen through You. "
According to the note received by Fides, this year's International Book Fair is dedicated to Bishop Francisco José Arnaiz and Fr. José Luis Sáez, commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Diocese of Santo Domingo and La Vega. The special guest of honor is the Holy See, which has set up a stand of 300 square meters with more than 15,000 books for sale, with the exhibition of sculptures by Michel Angelo, the exposure of the uniforms of the Swiss Guard and several manuscripts of great artistic and historical value. The fair began on May 4 and will close on 22. (EC) (Agenzia Fides 13/05/2011)
