AMERICA/BRAZIL-Updates on the Missionary Project of Solidarity of the Church of Brazil in Haiti

Friday, 13 May 2011

Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - In an interview with the National Directorate of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of Brazil, the President of the Conference of Religious of Brazil (CRB), Sister Marian Ambrosio, and the Councillor for the missionary dimension of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (NCBB) and executive secretary of the National Missionary Council (Comino) Father José Altevir da Silva, reported the latest updates about the project of solidarity between the Missionary Church of Brazil and that of Haiti (see Fides 20/9/2010; 21/02/2011).
Sister Marian recalled that the project was born after the earthquake that devastated Haiti on January 12, 2010, when the body of Dr. Zilda Arns arrived in Curitiba (PR). "It was the beginning of a project that aims not to allow the dream of so many children in Haiti die," said the president of the CRB. This is a project carried out together with the NCBB and the National Missionary Council (Comino), with the support of the PMS, maintained by the Brazilian people through Caritas Brasileira. The project is valid for 10 years.
"One of the most important characteristics of the project is that we have heard the Church of Haiti. We heard the representatives of the Church and of the Conference of Religious of Haiti," underlined Sister Marian. Considering the main task as the "defense of life", the project relies on the presence of six Brazilian nuns, four nurses and two teachers, working in different places in Haiti. "The commitment to full-time means that the nuns have the need to alternate to have the strength of continuity, because everything is at high risk: the lack of hygiene, poor nutrition, little healthcare," said Sister Marian.
In the note from PMS in Brazil to Fides, says that according to the President of the CRB, all the work of the nuns is directed to overcoming extreme poverty in Haiti. Sister Marian, who was in Haiti in late March and mid April, said that young people approached the religious to participate in the work, in embroidery activity, music, singing. Many of these activities are the way for the community to overcome the present difficulties. (EC) (Agenzia Fides 13/05/2011)
