ASIA/PHILIPPINES-Peace in Mindanao is possible thanks to the missionary martyrs

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Jolo (Agenzia Fides) –Peace in Mindanao is possible if all people of good will undertake, with courage and love, "to live and promote a culture of dialogue, the path to peace." If today we have moved forward for reconciliation in society, it is also thanks to all those courageous witnesses of peace, as several missionary martyrs who gave their lives for these ideals: this is the message from "Silsilah" a movement which has been committed in establishing islamchristian dialogue in southern Philippines for 27 years
As reported to Fides, "Silsilah" (literally means "chain"), founded by the Catholic missionary Fr Sebastiano D'Ambra of PIME, held a convention recently in Zamboanga city, seat of the movement, which was attended by over 300 members, friends and ex-students. A delegation from the island of Jolo, in the Sulu archipelago was present, infested with rebel groups and terrorists as "Abu Sayyaf," hostile to the Christian communities and contrary to any attempt to pacify the region. Against forces that sow hatred and division, the members of Silsilah, Christians and Muslims, have reiterated their commitment to defuse tensions and to work for dialogue in the society of southern Philippines, an area where about 6 million Muslims live.
On the island of Mindanao, the largest in Southern Philippines, there are rebel groups that once fought for independence and are now negotiating with the government of Benigno Aquino to end hostilities and bring peace to the region, based on a peace agreement that respects the identity and local autonomy, but within the framework of the Republic of the Philippines.
During the meeting the Silsilah group recalled all the missionary martyrs who gave a decisive contribution by giving their lives for peace in Mindanao: among them Father Salvatore Carzedda PIME, Fr. Rhoel Gallardo CMF, Fr. Jesus Reynaldo Roda OMI, Bishop Benjamin De Jesus and others, all witnesses of authentic dialogue, brutally killed, all the missionaries who gave their lives on the altar of peace. Their legacy today - was said during the meeting - is more alive than ever and encourages people to continue on the path of dialogue, justice and peace. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 12/05/2011)
