VATICAN-Benedict XVI has appointed Archbishop Filoni Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Pope Benedict XVI today appointed Archbishop Fernando Filoni, titular Archbishop of Volturno, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples of Volturno, until now Deputy Secretary of State for General Affairs. Archbishop Filoni succeeds Cardinal Ivan Dias, who resigned for age limit, who has managed the Missionary Congregation since May 20, 2006.
The new Prefect was presented today to the superiors, the officers and staff of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, the International Secretariat of the Pontifical Missionary Works and the various dependent institutions of Propaganda Fide, the Secretary of the Vatican state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who read the decree of appointment and a thank you letter on behalf of the Holy Father to Cardinal Dias for his long and dedicated commitment to serve the Holy See.
Cardinal Dias therefore expressed his gratitude to the Holy Father for having accepted his resignation and for allowing him to devote himself henceforth to spiritual direction, and said he was honored by the presence of the Secretary of State, and welcomed Archbishop Filoni, wishing him the same satisfaction he received in the service of the missionary world. "Thank you all for the past, best wishes for the future," concluded Cardinal Dias, inviting everyone to remain united in prayer.
On presenting the new prefect, Cardinal Bertone highlighted how Archbishop.Filoni prepared for this task through experience gained in the Nuncios of different nations and in the Secretariat of State, and expressed the hope that through the new ministry he may have the satisfaction of seeing the Church grow in the missionary world, numerically, and especially in holiness, there is a trained clergy and work must be carried out for human development.
Archbishop.Filoni thanked the Pope for his trust, Cardinal Bertone for having called him from the Nuncio of the Philippines to the Secretary of State, and Cardinal Dias for the affection with which he was welcomed. He then quoted the biblical text characteristic of the Easter season, with the mandate of Jesus to proclaim the Gospel to every creature which is "the source of inspiration" of all the activity of the Missionary Congregation. Recalling also the speech of the Holy Father in his recent pastoral visit to Venice, Archbishop.Filoni underlined how in this society defined by some scholars as being "liquid" to express its fluidity, its low stability, its mutability, we are called to offer the certainty that is Christ.
Archbishop Fernando Filoni was born in Manduria, Diocese of Oria and the province of Taranto (Italy) April 15, 1946. He was ordained priest on July 3, 1970. Incardinated in the diocese of Nardò . He graduated in Philosophy and Canon Law. He entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See on April 3, 1981, he served at the Pontifical Representatives in Sri Lanka and Iran, at the Secretary of State, in Brazil and the Philippines. On 17 January 2001 he was appointed titular see of Volturno, with dignity of Archbishop and appointed Apostolic Nuncio in Jordan and Iraq. He was ordained by the Blessed John Paul II in St. Peter's Basilica on March 19, 2001. On 25 February 2006 he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio in the Philippines. On June 9, 2007 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Substitute for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 10/05/2011)
