ASIA/PAKISTAN-Muslim minister out, new "Ministry for inter-religious harmony and Minorities is born"

Monday, 9 May 2011

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - With yet another change, the Department of Religious Minorities in Pakistan becomes "Federal Ministry for Inter-faith Harmony and Minorities." At the Summit of the department two Catholic leaders have been confirmed: Paul Bhatti, brother of the Minister killed, with the position as "Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, and the lawyer Akram Masih Gill with the position as" Minister of the state "(a sort of " Deputy Minister”), who may soon receive the official designation of "Federal Minister".
The Muslim Rias Hussein Pirzada, a member of the Muslim League-Q, was unexpectedly appointed a few days ago at the summit of the Ministry (see Fides 05/05/2011), and has now assumed office as Minister of Health. In fact, his appointment had not found consensus among the religious minorities in Pakistan and discontent on behalf of the international community had reached the Pakistani government’s ears. Pirzada publically said that he was "not entirely satisfied" with the assignment given to him and would like another one.
The Christian community in Pakistan, note sources of Fides, hope that this is the final structure of the Ministry. By adding reference to inter-faith harmony strengthens the work begun by Shabhaz Bhatti who had obtained a system of funding from the U.S. government to promote interfaith harmony in Pakistan.
Interviewed by Fides, Akram Gill said: "It is my intention to work for the protection of religious minorities (which are 5% of the population), including the Christians in Pakistan. It is well-known that in this country the religious minorities do not feel safe. It will be my task to keep attension high in government and politics of their conditions and the need to protect and promote their rights. " With regards to the change of name of the Ministry, Gill told Fides: "The executive has now realized that interreligious dialogue is an urgent need for society, which cannot be left only in the hands of men of good will. It is necessary for the state to promote respect and equality of all religions. "
Gill concluded the interview by thanking Fides: "At the beginning of my mandate, I would like to thank the Pope for his words and his commitment to defending international religious freedom and Christian communities in Pakistan." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 05/09/2011)
