AMERICA/BOLIVIA -The Pope with the miner's helmet, an image from Bolivia that went around the world

Friday, 29 April 2011

Oruro (Agenzia Fides) - The Diocese of Oruro, in Bolivia, is looking forward to the beatification of Pope John Paul II, said Monsignor Cristobal Bialasik, SVD, Bishop of this diocese. The people of Oruro recalls with affection the visit of John Paul II on 11 May 1988, where many people took part, and above all a few pictures were taken that went around the world: a miner gave his helmet to the Pope, who wore it, and the two embraced each other for a long time, moreover an aymara woman showed John Paul II an empty pot, a symbol of the serious economic and social crisis the region was going through in that period.
The note sent by the Episcopal Conference of Bolivia to Fides , reports the testimony of Mgr Cristobal Bialasik, Polish, about his personal feelings about the beatification of a countryman, Karol Wojtyla. He expresses his great joy that a countryman can be an example of life, the Bishop of Oruro says: " he taught us to love and follow the Lord, how to help others, how to become saints. This event has taught us a lot, it helps us all to wake up from lethargy, and to start life as it should be lived, a life with God”. Mgr Bialasik remembers that John Paul II repeatedly asked to open one`s heart to Christ, not to be afraid, so it is important to hear this request today, to wonder, and take a firm decision to follow Christ.
In Oruro different activities will be held on the occasion of the beatification, first of all a series of exhibitions with images of the Pope, the most important of which will be held on 1 May at the Temple of the Divine Mercy, on the day of the Feast of the Divine Mercy. On May 2, in the square where John Paul II in 1988 met the people of Oruro, a Mass of thanksgiving will be celebrated for the beatification of Pope Wojtyla. "These events help us to relive the very beautiful moments of his visit, his message, and are also an opportunity to pray together for the gift of beatification”, said Mgr Bialasik. A number of people will attend these events, those who in 1988 experienced an encounter with the Pope, and will share their memories and their experiences of that memorable visit. (EC) (Agenzia Fides 04/29/2011)
