ASIA/PAKISTAN - "United as sisters in Christ": a letter from a cloistered nun to Asia Bibi

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - "I feel very close to Asia Bibi, to her suffering, as a sister in Christ" writes Sister Mary Immaculate Perez to Fides, abbess of the nuns from the Franciscan Monastery Conception of Escalona in Toledo, near Madrid (Spain). The community of cloistered nuns in Escalona was among the first to promote a spontaneous prayer campaign for Asia Bibi, and adheres to the special day of prayer for the victims of the blasphemy law in Pakistan, which will be celebrated worldwide on 20 April (see Fides 12/4/2011). For this reason the nuns have been called “the guardian angels of Asia Bibi”. Today the Mother writes a Letter to Fides, and through the “Masihi Foundation”, would like Asia Bibi, who is in Sheikupura prison, to receive it for Easter.
“We want to send a brief message of consolation to Asia. Since the beginning we have been following her case with great interest and affection ”, said the nun, speaking also on behalf of her sisters. "We see with great concern that those who have defended Asia, as the Minister Shahbaz Bhatti or the Governor Salman Taseer, paid with their lives in defense of the Gospel. We confide them to the Lord, together with their families".
The nuns, as the letter continues, adhere to the “Special Day of Prayer” on 20 April: “In the liturgy of the morning prayer of the Mass, with all her sisters, I will be with the Lord, imploring from Him the graces needed for Asia and all the persecuted Christians, and praying for the blasphemy law to be cancelled in Pakistan. We put everything under the protection of the Virgin Mary, our Mother”. Sister Mary Immaculate informs Fides to continue raising awareness, to involve other nuns and faithful to pray for Asia Bibi. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 04/14/2011)
