ASIA/PAKISTAN - “Thanks for the Day of Prayer on 20 April”

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – Asia Bibi, the woman condemned to death for blasphemy, behind bars in the Sheikupura prison, thanks the Masih Foundation and all those who will pray for her on the “Special Day of Prayer” on 20 April, on which many Christian communities around the world will remember Asia Bibi and other innocent victims of the blasphemy law (see Fides 12/4/2011).
When she was informed of the initiative, Asia responded, bursting into tears and said she was “very happy because the world would pray for her.” Contacting Fides, through the Masihi Foundation, which provides her legal assistance, Asia said. “I am grateful to the Masihi Foundation for organising such an event, which gives me hope to go on living. I feel loved by the Catholic Church and all Christian communities around the world. I am proud to be the daughter of a community that is so loving and merciful.” Despite her illness, fasting and physical weakness, her morale is high “through faith in Jesus Christ”: “I would like to send a message of peace and love to all the world. I want to say thank you to every sister, every brother, every nun and priest who prays for me, and especially to the Holy Father. I hope with all my heart that this Lent and all the prayers may bring me freedom and happiness to my family.”
Meanwhile, Catholic Paul Bhatti, Special Advisor for religious minorities and brother of murdered Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, has made known through Fides, his support for this Day, assuring his personal prayer, that “we will work with the Government and religious minorities to find a solution and prevent there being other innocent victims of the blasphemy law in the future.” (PA) (Agenzia Fides 12/4/2011)
