ASIA/CHINA - Course dedicated to Sacred Scripture in Chinese State High Schools in Xi Shi

Monday, 11 April 2011

Chong Qing (Agenzia Fides) - “The greatest of all is love”: this Pauline teaching on love was the theme of the first class on 7 April, of the course on Sacred Scripture in a Chinese State High School. According to information gathered by Fides, the 50 students at the high school in Xi Shi in the city of Chong Qing, were sitting in the classroom, in front of a large volume of the Bible, listening to the young professor explain the meaning of St Paul's hymn to love which culminates in the statement: “But the greatest of these is love” (cf. 1 Cor 13:4-8). Many other students who were not able to register for the course, limited to 50 people, were disappointed and asked to be placed as soon as possible. Although the course is only one lesson a week, students are still amazed by this “Book of revelation of Wisdom”, as they have defined it. “As soon as I heard the news of the course,” said one of them, “I thought I saw an image of a darkened church, in ancient Europe, with an elderly priest praying. But after the lesson, this Book seems close to us, today, it talks about our daily lives."
“To understand it, takes a lifetime, but the important thing is to start,” said another student. According to the professor, “Bible study helps students understand western culture and thus promotes exchanges between East and West.” (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 11/04/2011)
