ASIA/INDIA - Battle against corruption: Christians on the frontline

Thursday, 7 April 2011

New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) – The Christians in India are on the frontline in the war against corruption, which is involving large sectors of Indian civil society. At institutional and federal levels, the Bishops are actively involved in the current national debate to approve specific anti-corruption laws, called “Lokpal Bill”.
In this delicate transition for national politics, the Christian Churches in India have spoken with one voice, through the National United Christian Forum (NUCF), which includes the Catholic Church and Protestant and Evangelical Churches. Archbishop Vincent Concessao of Delhi and NUCF spokesman, set the reasons for Christians' commitment to this campaign in a statement sent to Fides. “The people most affected by corruption are the poor, not only because corruption makes public services inaccessible to them but does not even allow much needed policies to be implemented for their social advancement.” In addition, Christians in India wish to place at the heart of this campaign, moral motivations from the Christian faith: “the Bible condemns corruption,” continues the Archbishop, “because it prevents man from seeing what is just.”
According to the Forum, a review of the legal and penal system is also urgently needed, currently totally inadequate to condemn those who are guilty of corruption. This will ensure that crime does not go unpunished, especially for civil servants. For this reason, says Archbishop Concessao, the NUCF and all Christians in India will raise their voices and stand against corruption, to build a more just and fraternal society. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 7/4/2011)
