AMERICA/PERU - Elections: Bishops open a site for “choosing in good conscience” the presidential candidate

Monday, 28 March 2011

Trujillo (Agenzia Fides) – In order to provide a space for reflection that contributes to the current presidential election campaign, the Archbishop of Trujillo and President of the Peruvian Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte, OFM., announced the opening of a new section, called 'Conciencia Civica' on the website of the Church in Peru.
In presenting this new virtual space, which was recently done in the Archdiocese of Trujillo, the Archbishop stressed that the content of the pages online is a response to the Bishops' concern about the superficiality of this political campaign. The site also encourages applicants to submit plans to the government of real opportunities for development that may be able to reduce poverty and social inequality.
Inviting people to visit the website, the Archbishop explained that voters will also find documents that give directions for the upcoming elections, as “Ethical Criteria for choosing our authorities in the best way”, published by the Episcopal Commission for social action – CEAS, and the Messages from the Peruvian Bishops and those from the Peruvian Amazon. It is also possible to leave comments via Facebook and Twitter.
The presidential elections in Peru will be held on 10 April. At the moment there are three candidates who do not differ greatly in preferences: Alejandro Toledo (Perú Posible), Keiko Fujimori (Fuerza 2011, daughter of the former President of Peru) and Ollanta Humala, canditate from Gana Perú. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 28/03/2010)
