Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) – On 25 March the Catholic Church in Argentina's campaign will begin to collect signatures in support of a “Law for the complete protection of the Family”. For its approval, the bill, supported by the “Red de Familias” and the Department for the Laity of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina (DEPLAI) requires 500,000 signatures. The beginning of the campaign, 25 March, coincides with the Solemnity of the Annunciation and the “Day of the child to be born” (Día del Niño por Nacer), and will be held throughout the archdioceses, in all the parishes, churches, chapels and institutions. Some of the highlights of the Law relate to the basic principles of family policy in Argentina, the recognition of the family as a natural and primary organism, founded on marriage, understood as the stable union between a man and a woman, and open to new life. Also included: the integral promotion of women and the recognition of maternity as positive, socially and personally, emphasising the unique role of mother and educator; the respect and protection of life for all human beings from the moment of conception (from fertilization) until its natural end. Among the key points it declares that abortion is a grave violation of the fundamental right to life of every human being. (AP) (23/3/2011 Agenzia Fides)