VATICAN - The Pope prays for the earthquake victims in Japan and “for all those who are suffering due to these tremendous events”

Monday, 14 March 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – “The images of the tragic earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan have left everyone extremely shocked,” said the Holy Father Benedict XVI on Sunday, 13 March, after reciting the Angelus. “I wish to renew my spiritual closeness to the dear people of that land, who are facing the effects of these calamities with dignity and courage,” continued the Pope. “I pray for the victims and their families, and for all those who are suffering due to these tremendous events. I encourage those who, with commendable promptness, are working to bring assistance. We remain united in prayer. The Lord is near!”.
On 12 March, the day after the earthquake and tsunami, the Holy Father, through the Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone sent a telegram of condolence to Archbishop Leo Jun Ikenaga, SI, President of the Japanese Bishops' Conference, expressing his deep sorrow and ensuring his prayers. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 14/03/2011)
