EUROPE/ITALY - 25th anniversary for Missionaries of St Charles Borromeo, present in 16 countries around the world

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Rome (Agenzia Fides) – The Priestly Fraternity of the Missionaries of St Charles Borromeo is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its foundation. From its creation with seven priests and first mission in Brazil, in 25 years the Fraternity has accompanied over one hundred boys to the priesthood who are now on mission in 16 countries around the world, from Spain to Russia, from Siberia to Kenya, from Taiwan to the United States, from Italy to South America. The members of the Fraternity carry out their mission in parishes, schools, universities, prisons and hospitals. The missionaries work together in the new evangelization and to contribute to rediscovering Europe's Christian roots. Guiding the Fraternity of St Charles is Bishop Massimo Camisasca, who is also its founder. He was reconfirmed on 10 February as the Superior General.
At the Audience granted to the Fraternity on 12 February, for this important anniversary, the Holy Father Benedict XVI said among other things: “The Fraternity of St Charles, during the course of its brief but intense history, has stressed the value of community life, a hand that Christ offers to our lives. Living with others is to accept the necessity of our own continual conversion and in particular to discover the beauty of this journey, the joys of humility, of penance, but also of conversation, of mutual forgiveness and support. Community life is not a strategy for responding to the needs of today, a form of assistance in the face of loneliness and man's weakness. Community life is an expression of Christ's gift which is the Church. One needs to be with Jesus to be with others. This is the core of the mission.”
A hundred priests from the Fraternity attended the Audience, coming to Rome from around the world for the occasion. In addition, there were 40 seminarians who are currently undergoing formation, Archbishop Paolo Pezzi of the Mother of God in Moscow, 16 Missionary Sisters of St Charles, the new Women's Missionary Institute (2007) connected with the Fraternity of St Charles. Accompanying them also Fr Julián Carrón, leader of Communion and Liberation. The Fraternity of St Charles was created and is nurtured by the charisma of Fr Luigi Giussani. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 16/2/2011)
