AMERICA/UNITED STATES - “Bethlehem Project” initiative to help women who change their mind about having an abortion

Monday, 14 February 2011

Chicago (Agenzia Fides) - The Resurrection Medical Centre, Catholic hospital in Chicago, in collaboration with two pro-life groups in the area - the Pro Life Action League and the local women's assistance centre - is the first centre in the United States to assist women who have changed their mind and decided not to go ahead with the chemical abortion procedure to the third month.
The initiative, just launched, is called the “Bethlehem Project”, providing treatment for women who arrive at the hospital and no longer want an abortion. In an interview with Catholic News Agency, the vice-president of Pro Life Action League, Ann Scheidler, explained that the abortive procedure at that stage of foetal development can take several days.
Since October, four women have been in recovery at the Resurrection Medical Centre, three of whom succeeded in interrupting the abortion and continuing with their pregnancies through a therapy that requires a precise protocol. The Pro Life Action League says it is ready to assist any other Catholic hospital that intends to implement the program. Ann Scheidler states in the interview that Sister Donna Marie Wolowicki is planning to introduce the protocol in the other five hospitals where the association is committed in Chicago and that members of the Bethlehem Project are currently examining whether an early chemical abortion can be stopped. (AP) (14/2/2011 Agenzia Fides)
