AMERICA/EL SALVADOR - “Stop the violence in this Country” asks the Archbishop of San Salvador

Monday, 14 February 2011

San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) – The Catholic Church in El Salvador has asked for a joint effort to tackle the “grave” situation of violence afflicting the Country, where there is an average of eleven murders a day.
“We are very concerned that cases of violence are increasing in our Country and that so many are the victims of violence,” said Archbishop José Luis Escobar Alas of San Salvador, who stressed that “violence is an extremely serious social evil that we must overcome in any way possible.”
Archbishop Escobar Alas also recalled the theft suffered by Bishop José Mojica Morales of Sonsonate, on 6 February, by two strangers who broke into his house. According to the Archbishop of San Salvador, Bishop Mojica Morales and the other two people who were accompanying him, suffered “serious abuses” and “were threatened with death with guns to their heads.”
“After they tied their hands and feet, they searched the house for four hours. Finally they left, taking everything they wanted, even the Bishop's new pick-up truck,” said Archbishop Escobar Alas.
The Archbishop of San Salvador has made “an appeal to the authorities and to the whole society to unite their efforts so that we can overcome this terrible evil.” He also urged the authorities to investigate this incident to ensure “that justice is done.”
“This situation of violence is very serious and we all have to be careful,” said the Archbishop. Finally, he called on all people, regardless of faith, to support the work of the authorities. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 14/02/2011)
