ASIA/CHINA - Day of the Eucharist in the Diocese of Nan Yang

Monday, 14 February 2011

Nan Yang (Agenzia Fides) – Following a 60 year tradition, the Diocese of Nan Yang celebrated the “Day of the Eucharist”. On 11 February, more than 4,000 of the faithful, coming from surrounding dioceses and communities (given the proximity of Hu Bei province, many of the faithful of Hu Bei were involved in events) celebrated the Day with a Eucharistic procession, Adoration and the solemn Eucharist.
The long procession was led by priests carrying the monstrance, while the faithful with a few blow-ups of the 12 apostles processed a few miles down the road - with songs and cheers - to the parish of Jin Gang, where the Day concluded with the Solemn Eucharist.
The tradition has ancient roots: 60 years ago, the then Apostolic Vicar (since 1924), of Nan Yang, Bishop Flaminius Bellotti, PIME, stated that every year, on the tenth day of Chinese New Year the Day of the Eucharist would be celebrated. Today the faithful follow this tradition with zeal and enthusiasm.
The Diocese of Nan Yang was part of the Apostolic Vicariate of He Nan-Sud from 1882 to 1924. It was the Apostolic Vicariate of Nan Yang from 1924 to 1946, when, with the establishment of the Hierarchy of the Church in China, it became the Diocese of Nan Yang. It has always been a land evangelized by the missionaries of the PIME. Today the diocese has 20 priests, about 90 religious and 13 parishes at the service of 20,000 faithful. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 14/02/2011)
