AMERICA/BRAZIL - “Rebuild the devastated cities and give a new meaning to daily life”: the Bishop of Petrópolis one month after the floods

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Petrópolis (Agenzia Fides) – One month after the serious climatic catastrophe which affected the Serrana Region of Brazil on 12 January, causing deaths in Nova Friburgo, Petrópolis and Teresópolis, Bishop Filippo Santoro of Petrópolis is celebrating a Mass in Cuiabá for the victims in Vale do Cuiabá, and another in Petrópolis, for all the victims affected there by the floods. According to information sent to Fides from the Archdiocese of Petrópolis, Bishop Santoro emphasises the great support that the Catholic Church is offering the flood victims, working together with public institutions and working directly, through parishes to support families who have lost everything.
The Bishop of Petrópolis explains that together with Caritas Brazil, a diocesan group has been organised with a coordinator who is in direct contact with priests to evaluate the communities' needs. Apart from material and spiritual support for homeless families, Bishop Santoro said that the diocese is also supporting the rebuilding of the disaster zones. The Coordinator of the aid campaign, Otávio José, stated that “in every town there is a diverse reality, some need everything, like in the case of São José do Vale do Rio Preto, where a large part of the businesses were destroyed by the waters from the Preto River”.
According to the Bishop, priests, religious leaders and diocesan consultants have been invited to work together with the local government to help rebuild the affected zones. “These recent enormous trials teach us that we must give all our efforts to rebuilding the devastated cities and give a new meaning to daily life, especially when the spotlights are no longer on it,” states the Bishop of Petrópolis. The territory of the diocese is made up of six towns, four of which were affected by the rains, Petrópolis (Vale do Cuiabá), Teresópolis, Areal and São José do Vale do Rio Preto. (AP) (12/2/2011 Agenzia Fides)
