AMERICA/BRAZIL - The mission and ecology: preparing for the missionary campaign of October 2011

Monday, 7 February 2011

Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) – Under the coordination of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS), the team responsible for preparing the material for the missionary campaign next October, met at the PMS headquarters, in Brasilia, to intensify its work. Inspired by the theme chosen for this year, “Mission in ecology,” Fr Savio Corinaldesi, Secretary of the Pontifical Missionary Union, presented the themes of the Missionary Novena which will serve as the foundation for the new DVD produced by Word Films.
The first day of the novena invites us to contemplate the beauty of Creation, “unfortunately, these wonders are being slowly destroyed, so the second reflection is the indignation regarding the desecration of these works,” writes Fr Savio in a note sent to Fides. Other themes of the novena: the mission is also to fight against the misuse of God's works, committing ourselves to maintaining and caring for them in order to preserve natural resources. The mission and forced migration due to climate change, to share water and food with everyone, to defend the Amazon and to collaborate in the evangelisation of the world. The nine themes will be presented in the light of the Word of God, with testimonies of missionary experiences and prayers.
According to a survey conducted by the PMS in 271 dioceses in Brazil on material for the Missionary Campaign of 2010, the production of the Novena DVD is regarded as a success that has made Mission Sunday all the more popular. The result was a considerable increase in the collection made on World Mission Sunday, however, according to Msgr. Daniel Lagni, former National Director of the PMS, the main objective of the Campaign is not to raise money but to create a missionary awareness that looks to mission beyond the borders of Brazil. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 07/02/2011)
