ASIA/CHINA - Evangelisation and Christian formation continue to be the priorities for the new year

Monday, 7 February 2011

Shi Jia Zhuang (Agenzia Fides) – According to information sent to Fides, evangelisation continues to be a priority for the new year for the mainland Chinese Catholic communities. Immediately after the celebration of thanksgiving on the first day of Chinese New Year, the group leaders from the Cathedral in the Diocese of Gui Lin came together under the guidance of the pastor to take stock of the evangelising experience of the past year and to plan the year ahead. According to the pastor, the “mission of evangelisation continues to be our absolute priority. Especially this year when we celebrate 10 years from the building of our church with the ordination of a seminarian.... We have many reasons to give thanks to the Lord and to Our Lady for these missionary fruits. The Word of God continues to be the best tool of evangelisation.”
The group of young people from the Diocese of Bao Ding has also confirmed its commitment to the mission of evangelisation and Christian formation such as programs for life, according to the experience of the past year. The group of Charity of St Francis in Pu Ning, Diocese of Guang Zhou, had a successful missionary year thanks to the efforts of individuals and social service. In a report entitled “Search for Love and convey Love”, the group presented its work in the Church and in society, upholding the mission of bringing the Love of God to all. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 07/02/2011)
