EUROPE/SPAIN - 1,000 babies under 5 years die in the world every hour due to easily preventable causes

Monday, 7 February 2011

Madrid (Agenzia Fides) – With a new initiative, the Catholic volunteer NGO “Manos Unidas”, which works against hunger, poverty, malnutrition, sickness, lack of education and underdevelopment, presented the campaign “Su mañana es hoy”, in reference to the attainment of the fourth Millennium Development Goal, the reduction of infant mortality. The goal is not merely a reflection on the problem but, given the seriousness, a desire to find solutions and immediate actions to intervene. According to statistics, every hour in the world a thousand children under 5 years of age given the seriousness due to easily preventable causes. The early deaths are consequences of unjust policies and an irregular distribution of wealth throughout the world. (AP) (7/2/2011 Agenzia Fides)
