VATICAN - At the Angelus the Pope hopes that Egypt “may rediscover tranquillity and peaceful coexistence, in a shared commitment for the common good”

Monday, 7 February 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – In his Address prior to reciting the Angelus on Sunday, 6 February, taking his cue from Sunday's Gospel passage, the Holy Father Benedict XVI emphasised how Jesus, through these words directed at his disciples: “You are the salt of the earth.... You are the light of the world,” he intends to give them “the meaning of their mission and of their witness”. From the letter of the prophet Isaiah, also from Sunday's Liturgy, one sees that, “wisdom embodies the beneficial effects of salt and light: in fact, the Lord's disciples are called to bring new 'flavour' to the world, to preserve it from corruption with the wisdom of God, which shines fully in the face of the Son.... United to Him Christians can - amidst the shadows of indifference and selfishness - diffuse the light of God's love, true wisdom which gives meaning to the life and activities of mankind.” Then the Pope spoke about World Day of the Sick, which will be celebrated on 11 February, as “a good opportunity to reflect, to pray and to raise the awareness of the ecclesial community and of civil society towards their sick brothers and sisters”. After the Angelus he made an appeal for Egypt: “Currently I am following the delicate situation in the dear nation of Egypt,” said the Pope. “I ask God that that land, blessed by the presence of the Holy Family, may rediscover tranquillity and peaceful coexistence, in a shared commitment for the common good”. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 7/02/2011)
