AMERICA/BRAZIL - Missionary work requires qualified formation: MCC course to commence

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) – On 27 February, at the Missionary Cultural Centre in (MCC), in Brasilia, a new course will commence for foreign missionaries, composed of Portuguese language lessons, an introduction to the popular culture and society, and learning about the life of the Church in Brazil. “We are continually more convinced that the missionary experience requires qualified formation, especially in the first moments. Therefore, a missionary is asked to put aside special time to consider, reflect, study and meet each other before facing the challenges of cultural integration in Brazil. Superficiality, lack of preparation and negligence at this stage can be fatal,” said the Director of MCC, Father Stefano Raschietti, in a note sent to Fides. The Director added: “Our desire is that each course participant may have the maximum opportunity and experience a unique moment of learning, adaptation and acculturation to the Brazilian reality.” (CE) (Agenzia Fides 02/02/2011)
