ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Campaign for signatures to halt the Document on Reproductive Health

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Manila (Agenzia Fides) – Pro-life activists in the Philippines have launched a campaign for signatures in parishes, schools and streets, to stop the approval of the “Document on Reproductive Health” (or under its new name - “Document on Responsible Parenthood”) which should be approved by the Congress of the Philippines. The text, Fides is told, “is dangerous and contains population control measures, which are completely disrespectful of the value of the culture of life.”
Pro-life groups, led by Human Life International, state that they work in synch with the Episcopal Commission for Life and for the Family, with which they have organised numerous initiatives for February: the “Month for Life” (see Fides 1/2/2011). Signatures are urged from members of Congress, of whom 80% are Catholic, “in the hope that the will of the people will be taken into account.”
Regarding the dialogue between the Church and the Government on these issues, pro-life groups emphasise that “was like putting your head in the lion's mouth.” Furthermore, “while at the negotiating table, the Congress and Senate should stop the debate and approval of the Document.” (PA) (Agenzia Fides 2/2/2011)
