VATICAN - At the Angelus the Pope recalls that even “the Son of God was a refugee” and prays for the people affected by floods in Australia, Brazil, Philippines and Sri Lanka

Monday, 17 January 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – On the World Day for Migrants and Refugees, Sunday, 16 January, the Holy Father Benedict XVI invited all to reflect on his prior Address at the Angelus, on the experience “of many men and women, and many families, who leave their Countries in search of better living conditions”. The Pope emphasised like “this migration sometimes is voluntary, other times unfortunately, it is forced by war or persecution, or often comes about under dramatic conditions”. Recalling the experience of the Holy Family of Nazareth, Benedict XVI noted how that “the Son of God was a refugee” and that “the experience of migration has always existed within the Church. Sometimes, unfortunately, Christians feel obliged to take the anguished decision to leave their land, thus impoverishing the countries in which their ancestors lived.”
“However, the voluntary movement of Christians for various reasons, from one city to another, from one country to another, from one continent to another,” continued the Pope, “is an opportunity to increase the missionary dynamism of the Word of God, and to ensure that the witness of faith circulates more freely in the mystical Body of Christ, traversing peoples and cultures, and reaching new frontiers, new environments". Citing finally the theme of the Message published for the Day for Migrants, Benedict XVI confirmed that “the goal of the great journey of humankind down the centuries” is that of “forming a single family, a family marked, of course, by the differences that enrich it, but without barriers and in which we recognise one another as brothers.” And he cited in this respect the “Week of prayer for the unity of Christians”, that will take place from 18 to 25 January, defining this as “fundamental”, the fact that Christians, scattered throughout the world and, “consequently, possessing different cultures and traditions, should form a single entity, as the Lord wishes.”
After the Marian prayer, the Pope expressed the Church's joy for the upcoming Beatification of the Venerable John Paul II on 1 May: “How many knew him, how many respected and loved him; they can not but celebrate this event with the Church. We are happy!” – and then he recalled the victims of the recent natural disasters: “I would like to assure you of my special remembrance in prayer for the people in Australia, Brazil, Philippines and Sri Lanka, who have all recently suffered from devastating floods. May the Lord welcome the souls of the deceased, give strength to the displaced and support the efforts of everyone striving to alleviate the suffering and difficulties”. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 17/1/2011)
