ASIA/PAKISTAN - Christians: President Zardari is the hope for blasphemy

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – While the nation, society and politics are ever more polarised and divided amongst those openly in favour of the law against blasphemy (fundamentalists) and those (liberals) who would like to modify or repeal it, the Christian community in Pakistan has joyously welcomed the news that the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari discussed and spoke of this issue in the course of his meetings with the President of the USA, Barak Obama, during his recent visit to the White House.

Sources of Fides among the Christian community in Pakistan say, “the fact that the issue of blasphemy appeared on the agenda of international meetings, next to the issue of terrorism, is vitally important. It means, in fact, that they realise how essential this is for Pakistani society. This is a battle for civilisation, for the defence of the rule of law, custody of the basic principles of democracy and the inalienable rights of humankind.” President Zardari, according to the Christians, is currently, together with the Catholic Minister for Religious Minorities, Shabhaz Bhatti, “the political man with the most powerful institutional functions who is seriously committed to protect the legality, the defence and freedom of rights of all Pakistani citizens, whichever religion they belong to.”

Today, in fact, the national political arena, explains the Fides source, “sees an uncertain and hesitant government on the issue of blasphemy, in that its own political survival is connected in some ways; the support of religious parties imposes a kind of blackmail. Political leader Gilani revealed,” after having said recently that the law would not be amended, “that the executive intends to fight to avoid the distortions and abuses of the law: this is another piece of good news. This could, for example, eliminate the death penalty, of which the Christian Asia Bibi is a victim. Or – there is another alternative – to provide that a complaint of blasphemy may be registered only after the examination and approval of an interreligious committee.”

Indeed, the debate remains open at the political and social level, and Christians hope that things remain within civilised platforms and for a peaceful confrontation, with respect to the positions of all. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 15/1/2011)
