AMERICA/MEXICO - Another Bishop takes up Twitter: presence of the Church increases in social networking sites

Monday, 10 January 2011

Durango (Agenzia Fides) – The Archbishop of Durango, Archbishop Héctor González Martínez, opened a Twitter account in the last few days. Including him, there are now five members of the Mexican ecclesial hierarchy with a presence on social networking sites, including the Bishop of Yucatan, Bishop Jorge Carlos Patron Wong, who was the first. The Archbishop of Durango, whose account is @ArzobispoDgo, wrote in his first message: “Dear friends, I greet you in my first message on Twitter and I wish you peace and blessings for the year beginning”. The next day her offered prayers for the sick.
In November last year, the Archbishop of Puebla, Archbishop Víctor Sánchez Espinosa, connected on Facebook, and it is expected this month that also Archbishop Sánchez Espinosa will open a Twitter account, according to Father Eugenio Lira Rugarcia, president of the Diocesan Commission for Social Communications and director for public relations for the Archdiocese.
According to sources from the Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM), there are officially four Bishops present on social networks. The first was the Coadjutor Bishop of Papantla, Bishop Jorge Carlos Patron Wong, of Yucatan, who commenced last August. Now he counts more than 6,000 friends on Facebook.
There are also two Archbishops emeritus, Archbishops José Fernández Arteaga and Carlos Quintero Arce, respectively emeritus of Chihuahua and of Hermosillo. The Episcopal Conference of Mexico also has its own account on Facebook and for over a year also on Twitter.
Bishop Patron Wong said that, thanks to the social networks, youth may remain in contact with their Bishops, their priests and apostolic groups. “We are able to report good news, and to have as an evangelisation point of reference, the message of God,” declared Bishop Jorge Carlos Patron Wong. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 10/01/2011)
