AFRICA/CÔTE D'IVOIRE - Situation still blocked while the European Union adopted sanctions against Gbagbo

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Abidjan (Agenzia Fides) - “The political situation is blocked and the sanctions decided on by the European Union and the UN seem to have taken effect, at least for now, to strengthen the determination of Gbagbo's camp to remain firm in their position,” a source from the local Church in Abidjan tells Fides, the administrative capital of Côte d'Ivoire, where the confrontation between the incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo (who claims to have won the presidential vote on 28 November) and Alassane Ouattara, the President recognized by the international community (see Fides 16/12/2010). The European Union decided on 20 December to deny entry visas into the EU to Gbagbo and 18 members of his entourage, including his wife, while the United States and the UN are considering similar penalties.
After clashes between army units (which have remained loyal to Gbagbo) and Ouattara's supporters (among whom are former New Forces guerrillas, who control the north of the country), “the situation is calm,” reports our source. “The people of Abidjan have slowly recommenced normal life, even if working activities are reduced and police forces patrol the streets in strong numbers.”
So far the crisis has taken on a political aspect but attacks against some mosques, denounced by a group of young Muslims, are likely to introduce a religious aspect, that Christian and Muslim religious leaders have sought to avoid. According to a statement received by Fides from the “Convergence de la Jeunesse Islamique en Côte d'Ivoire”, “the police attacked sacred sites in Abobo, the Grand Mosque in Williamsville and the Fame Sylla Mosque in Grand-Bassam with tear gas and flares during the prayer on Friday, 17 December.” According to the statement, there were a few deaths and several injuries.
“We need to avoid a situation in which political confrontation assumes a religious dimension, because the crisis is likely to inflame the country,” concludes our source. (LM) (Agenzia Fides 21/12/2010)
