ASIA/MACAO - New priestly ordination in the Diocese of Macao after 18 years

Friday, 17 December 2010

Macao (Agenzia Fides) – There is much celebration in the Diocese of Macao for the first priestly ordination in 18 years. The deacon, Li Xian Jun, of Korean origin, who entered the Diocese of Macao in 2005, was ordained a priest on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on 8 December 2010. Diocesan Bishop Dom José Lai Hung-seng, OMB, presided over the Solemn Mass in the Cathedral, concelebrated by more than 30 priests from different parishes. When the mother of the new priest helped her son into his priestly robes, many present were moved to tears. One priest told Fides: “Here is a mother who has given her son for the mission of evangelization in China. We give thanks to the Lord for this priestly gift to the local Church after 18 long years.”
The new priest studied theology and philosophy in Rome and Chinese and Cantonese at the Chinese University in Hong Kong. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 17/12/2010)
