AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Christmas will be the guide says a message to the reconstruction of Bishops

Friday, 17 December 2010

Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - “Preparation this year for the celebration of Christmas is marked by the force of nature that, because of torrential rains, has terrorised millions of Colombians, with an unusual force of destruction,” said the Episcopal Conference of Colombia in a pastoral letter, sent to Fides and published on the occasion of Christmas.
The message invites everyone to remember those who died in the landslide in Bello and all displaced persons from Cundinamarca, Chocó and the Caribbean region, as well as on the outskirts of Bogota and Medellin. Also to be remembered are the people who live on the banks of the River Cauca and Magdalena who lost their homes, jobs and land.
“Christmas will bring – for the communities of people who have lost everything and who live in shelters or who have been accepted into the homes of friends and neighbours – the strength and courage to begin the path of reconstructing the plans for their personal and community lives. Christmas will be the light for all Colombians, and will guide us to work together in rebuilding the affected regions,” says the message.
The Bishops invite everyone to make concrete signs of solidarity and live the spirituality of Christmas in the home, in the community or on the street sharing with others, especially those who live in solitude, extreme poverty, or who are displaced or victims of rights violations.
The message ends by calling for prayer to end the scourge of violence, kidnappings and injustice. To this end, the Bishops call on the faithful to pray for the armed groups and the Government, for peace and a fraternal and united homeland.
The document is signed by Archbishop Rubén Salazar Gómez of Bogotá and President of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 17/12/2010)
