AMERICA/HAITI - The only hospital in Les Irois lacks medicines and doctors to combat the cholera

Friday, 17 December 2010

Jeremie (Agenzia Fides) - The Camillian Task Force (CTF) continues its activities in Haiti. Father Scott Binet and his collaborators, residing permanently in the Country for several months, are trying to respond to not only the affects of the earthquake on 12 January, but also to the many humanitarian emergencies that are endemic in the Caribbean Country.

In recent days, Fr Scott is trying to bring aid to cholera victims in the region of Jeremie, which does not always receive humanitarian aid.

Theresia Sinaga, also from the CTF, arrived yesterday in this region and, through Br Luca Perletti, Secretary General of the Camillians, writes to Fides: “I just arrived in Les Irois and the situation is worse than we thought. We have already had a meeting with a local diocesan priest, Fr Francien Bernard who told us that last week 11 people died from cholera and another two died yesterday. The only hospital in Les Irois lack medicines and doctors and currently there are 375 suspected cases. We have brought several with us.” Theresia adds that she will remain there until the situation improves to help the nurses in the hospital. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 17/12/2010)
