EUROPE/SPAIN - Inauguration of a School for Missionary Promotion in Jaen “to revitalize the missionary spirituality and missionary movements”

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Jaen (Agenzia Fides) – On Saturday, 11 December, a School for Missionary Promotion in the Diocese of Jaen was officially inaugurated. The event, held at the diocesan seminary, was attended by Bishop D. Ramón del Hoyo of Jaén, the Episcopal Delegate for the Missions, Miguel Lendínez, other members of the Delegation and a group of people interested in the topic.
The School for Missionary Promotion was set in motion after several years of requests in the Diocese. “It took two years of trying to implement it,” said Miguel Lendínez. “Since I came to the Delegation, and even before, the parishes, organizations and movements were asking for it.... It has been a necessity for our Diocese, because it has been over ten years since the completion of the last school. It is necessary, especially in this time of crisis of values. It is important to revitalize the missionary spirituality and missionary movements, especially from the base of the Diocese, which consists of the parishes and church groups.”
The aim of the school, open to all ages, is to prepare those who are interested in formation, organization and missionary cooperation, always beginning with the fundamental Christian principles. The course is divided into two parts, as explained by the Delegate for the Missions: “The first is to make contact in order to present what are the service activities. The second phase is still in draft stage. It would be interesting to offer experiences in mission lands, in an area where there are missionaries from the Diocese of Jaen. Each meeting of missionary promotion is divided into three parts: formation, missionary testimonies and prayer. “In summary, the school aims to achieve: a personal encounter with Christ, missionary promotion, sharing the experience of mission, providing new methods for the missionary promotion, organization of missionary activities and for formation and cooperation. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 16/12/2010)
