AFRICA/SOMALIA - Thousands of people at risk due to severe drought in the central region of Mudug

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - At least 5,000 families (30,000 persons) in 13 villages north-east and south-east of the regional capital, Galkayo, in Somalia, have immediate need of assistance following the severe drought that is affecting the central region of Mudung. Galkayo is located 700 km north of Mogadishu. Most of the population lives on farming, and the lack of rain has made the situation difficult for their family finances. The settlements most affected were those of Towfiq, Eil Dhanane, Dhinowda and Afbarwaqo, where goats, sheep and cattle have died because of drought and many other animals are so weak they can not be used for milk or meat. The seriousness of the situation has also forced some nomads to move towards the cities. The people are in urgent need of food and water. In most of central Somalia it has not rained and the wells and water collection points have dried up. The people have nothing to drink. According to the UN, nearly two million Somalis need humanitarian aid. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 09/12/2010)
